Monday, December 11, 2006

the Other Side...

...the other side of the camera, that is. It is so hard to act natural when someone is taking your picture, especially when you already have camera-phobia (only when I'm not in control of the camera). My friend Natalie Simpson, who is an awesome photographer, took my picture today so that I could have an photo of myself for my website (which will be Officially Launched by the end of this week). I am so grateful that she took the time to help me out, especially because she has two little boys that take up a lot of her time. Thanks Natalie! Which one of these pics do YOU think should be on my site?


Anonymous said...

I think you should use the first one. You look so natural and comfortable. And the lighting is awesome. NO hint of camera-phobia in site. (O:

Anonymous said...

I like the first and second photo as well. Looking forward to the website :-)

Anonymous said...

1-3 with a slight lean toward 3 but 1 and 2 are close. I think they're all DARLING --- You're so cute!

Rebekah said...


Yay! Your new website will be launching. I can't wait. That is so awesome. You are such a babe in all of your pictures. My absolute favorite is #3. #1 is very beautiful, but in #3 you look so natural, and beautiful, and approachable.

Anonymous said...

So, Stacy, which one do YOU like best?

Anonymous said...

So, Stacy, which one do YOU like best?

Anonymous said...

So, Stacy, which one do YOU like best?

threewinks said...

Thanks everyone for your opinions. It's hard picking a photo of yourself :)

I think I'm going with #3.

The site will hopefully be up on Friday (cross your fingers)

Anonymous said...

number 3 was my favorite :)

<3 steph

Kate Benson said...

#3 ALL THE WAY no question.