Yesterday was my nephew James' birthday. He turned 2. I love this little guy! He's going through a super cute stage. He'll run around the room in circles and say over and over again "Stace, watch me, watch me!" His favorite thing to eat is candy, chocolate, cake, chips, all the 'c' words that are unhealthy. James gets excited about many things and when he does, he has this little giggle. Like when you ask him if he wants to eat treats or watch Thomas the Train or Cars, he'll almost be giggling so much he can't answer your question. But then you'll hear him say "Cars, Cars" or "Thomas, Thomas" in the middle of his laughs.
A couple days ago, he and his brother Will were playing together. Will is a big guy, but has a heart of gold. Sometimes he doesn't realize how strong he is or how much bigger he is than James. He was playing a bit rough and knocked James down, which is why James has a mark by his nose. I thought it was cute and definitely part of a little boys' life, so I didn't Photoshop it out of the images ;)
At our little family party, celebrating James, I was excited because it was the first time I got to play with my new lens! Yep, you heard me right. I got another lens! It's a 70-200 f/2.8. I've never had an awesome telephoto lens so I am stoked about this. It was a little challenging trying to use it indoors in a small room, but I seriously love it already. The last 80% of the images were shot with it. The only problem is that it's SO HEAVY. I will need to start lifting weights or something to buff up my arms....