Monday, November 06, 2006


Today, I would like to post a tribute to Joan -- an amazing, strong-spirited, adventurous woman. After fighting ovarian cancer for 4 years, she passed away on November 2nd. This morning, funeral services were held. I have known Joan for many years. Her daughters are near my age in school and she was my Young Women's leader when I was a teenager.

She has always shown such a passion for life, as well as compassion for those around her. Even through her sickness, she taught me a wonderful life lesson that I will never forget.

During her first run through of chemo, she lovingly allowed me to photograph her for a school assignment. She was feeling terribly sick and had another appointment shortly after, but she courageously smiled and did as I requested. We took her picture on the couch first and threw in her 'Believe' pillow last minute. I know she believed with all her heart. She carried her faith with her until her last breath. When we went to photograph her on the bed, she quietly lied down as I set up my lights. You can see the elegance and grace as she lay exhausted. She endured for 3 more years!

A week and a half ago, I visited her house and spoke to her for a brief moment. Even in her weakened state did she immediately ask me about my life and my photography business. She is such a wonderful example of pure Christ-like love. It can be so easy for me to focus on myself and fail to remember or even ask about other's lives, but Joan taught me that loving and caring for others is the only way to live. Thank you, Joan for the love and example you have been in my life.


Anonymous said...

This is so touching!! I love the calmness of the photos. So peaceful in such a scary moment. I'm sure her children cherish these portraits.

Dustin Izatt said...
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Dustin Izatt said...

I am sorry to hear about her passing on, but know that she is in a far better place. Those are lovely photos that the family will cherish for years to come. You are the best photographer in the world.

LuckyRedHen said...

What a great example she is to all of us. Thank you for sharing her and her images.

Rebekah said...

What beautiful images and what a beautiful woman.